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You know Microsoft Office is the world's most popular productivity suite, but you might not realize just how dominant the software bundle is--and how an advanced knowledge of Office can help prospective workers land employment or advance an existing career. 
A May 2011 search of found 27,614 job listings mentioning Microsoft Office or MS Office, with sentences like "An individual should have knowledge of standard Microsoft Office Applications" and "Working knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)" appearing in job postings ranging from Blast Furnace Account Manager to Vice President Knowledge Management/Brand Development.

Who should pursue Microsoft Office training?

In any prospective employee's career toolbox, knowledge of Microsoft Office is the hammer--versatile, essential, used for large jobs and detail work alike. Expertise with Excel or PowerPoint can make one resume more appealing than another, potentially leading to more interviews and higher-skill positions.

On the Microsoft Office Specialist certification page, the company specifies who benefits from training with Office. "The certification benefits business workers who want to present themselves as truly knowledgeable and differentiate themselves in a competitive job market," the site notes. "Managers who hire candidates with a Microsoft Office Specialist certification are helping minimize training costs."

Which jobs demand training?

From administrative assistant jobs requiring a strong knowledge of Word to project management positions demanding strong Excel ability, training yields real benefits in the workplace. GoCertify reports median salaries by Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification

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